I get by...
Every once in a while it hits me like a ton of bricks... we have so many people who have stepped up and helped the Mimes a success. Taking stock of all the great friends and tremendous support they give us is truly staggering. That's the greatest confirmation that we're doing something right - folks out there want to help us.
First and foremost is Sonic Arts - not only do they employ our premiere guitarist/vocalist/producer Randy, but they have generously opened their doors to us since our earliest demos back in 2002, before we were much more than a loosely rehearsed group of friends. As we step deep into this next record and back into their hallowed halls I know the pressure is on to respect their gift and make a damn good record. Enough credit cannot be given to them. Austin, in particular, has stood out lately by selflessly engineering and mixing his heart out, guiding us along the path of getting that elusive "best take".
Secondly, the Cincinnat Reds & Diamond Properties have, at alternate points, provided rehearsal space for a band with sporadic and demanding needs. Secure, private, space to be creative and spread cables across the floor. We're so in love with Diamond Properties we're tracking the drums and bass in the room - a former lawyer's office with a receptionist desk that makes the perfect mixing room. Even the bass amp has it's own office. Without this, we'd be homeless!
The Cincinnati Reds get extra props for employing all the members of the bands in a variety of roles. For me, it's my full-time job and passion. Beyond that, after our performance at the park in 2003 we're coming back to the newly opened "Late Night Concert Series" on May 13th. Very much looking forward to that.
PPS has been a great supporter as well, sponsoring us at various time and helping with our video needs. They rawk!
On the media front, we've found no better support than the wonderful folks at WNKU - everyone at the station has been incredible and treated us like hip royalty. From Homegrown Music, Studio 89, and all the plugs and in-studio appearances they have taken us from unknowns to a respected band in Cincinnati and beyond. www.WOXY.com, WAIF and others have been big Mimes backers as well. WXIX & WKRC have broadcast Mimes performances - thank you! Local mags such as Citybeat, CinWeekly, Enquirer and Post have all written generously about us and we love reading about ourselves. Websites such as www.I-See-Sound.com, www.cincymusic.com, myspace have helped us reach a much bigger fanbase then was possible just 5 years ago. All the incredible clubs we've played at have treated us with respect and honor us the most by inviting us back again and again.
There is no one who sacrifices more for us to live as rockers than our families. Our kids and spouses continually put up with long rehearsals, late night gigs and smoke-smelling clothes in order for the band to live. And they still embrace us. We wouldn't be anything without them.
Suffice to say, there are hundreds of others that contribute to Screaming Mimes beyond the 4 guys in the band and any leaps we make is shared with them. These folks don't take anything in return, they just want to help. What did we do to deserve this?
Finally, no one gets more credit than you, the fan who likes our music. If you've come to a show, purchased an album, listened to us online or on the radio, or told a friend about us, then we owe you big time. Without your ears there really isn't a point to any of this and the fact that you're receptive to the noise we're making is the validation that makes us work harder and harder to make better and better noise each time. Thank you. Check back often... we think you'll love what we're cooking up next.
- Dave
First and foremost is Sonic Arts - not only do they employ our premiere guitarist/vocalist/producer Randy, but they have generously opened their doors to us since our earliest demos back in 2002, before we were much more than a loosely rehearsed group of friends. As we step deep into this next record and back into their hallowed halls I know the pressure is on to respect their gift and make a damn good record. Enough credit cannot be given to them. Austin, in particular, has stood out lately by selflessly engineering and mixing his heart out, guiding us along the path of getting that elusive "best take".
Secondly, the Cincinnat Reds & Diamond Properties have, at alternate points, provided rehearsal space for a band with sporadic and demanding needs. Secure, private, space to be creative and spread cables across the floor. We're so in love with Diamond Properties we're tracking the drums and bass in the room - a former lawyer's office with a receptionist desk that makes the perfect mixing room. Even the bass amp has it's own office. Without this, we'd be homeless!
The Cincinnati Reds get extra props for employing all the members of the bands in a variety of roles. For me, it's my full-time job and passion. Beyond that, after our performance at the park in 2003 we're coming back to the newly opened "Late Night Concert Series" on May 13th. Very much looking forward to that.
PPS has been a great supporter as well, sponsoring us at various time and helping with our video needs. They rawk!
On the media front, we've found no better support than the wonderful folks at WNKU - everyone at the station has been incredible and treated us like hip royalty. From Homegrown Music, Studio 89, and all the plugs and in-studio appearances they have taken us from unknowns to a respected band in Cincinnati and beyond. www.WOXY.com, WAIF and others have been big Mimes backers as well. WXIX & WKRC have broadcast Mimes performances - thank you! Local mags such as Citybeat, CinWeekly, Enquirer and Post have all written generously about us and we love reading about ourselves. Websites such as www.I-See-Sound.com, www.cincymusic.com, myspace have helped us reach a much bigger fanbase then was possible just 5 years ago. All the incredible clubs we've played at have treated us with respect and honor us the most by inviting us back again and again.
There is no one who sacrifices more for us to live as rockers than our families. Our kids and spouses continually put up with long rehearsals, late night gigs and smoke-smelling clothes in order for the band to live. And they still embrace us. We wouldn't be anything without them.
Suffice to say, there are hundreds of others that contribute to Screaming Mimes beyond the 4 guys in the band and any leaps we make is shared with them. These folks don't take anything in return, they just want to help. What did we do to deserve this?
Finally, no one gets more credit than you, the fan who likes our music. If you've come to a show, purchased an album, listened to us online or on the radio, or told a friend about us, then we owe you big time. Without your ears there really isn't a point to any of this and the fact that you're receptive to the noise we're making is the validation that makes us work harder and harder to make better and better noise each time. Thank you. Check back often... we think you'll love what we're cooking up next.
- Dave