Friday, October 27, 2006 

Hello blogger my old friend...

Last night (Thursday, 10/26) Randy and I worked on a few more mixes. Everything is sounding awesome... totally.
Randy had been working on Suddenly, Superdave, Twister, SHE... got a good handle on the various parts. Suddenly may win the award for best drum sound... the snare really snaps in that one. Lots going on in that song and it's very dramatic.
Sleeping With The Emily sounds amazing so far. This was the first time we heard it with all it's parts - harmonies, all the guitars, etc... the next challenge is to strip it back down in the beginning of the song and build towards the final verse/chorus.
Only Love sounds great. We added some tamborine to the chorus just to give it a little sonic spread. The guitars are very solid. I'm actually happy with my lead vocal. Randy rocks the six string on this one.
The Super Special Surprise song was also worked on, adding a lead vocal. We'll hopefully add the addition parts at the next big band recording session and then we just have to mix! And mix and mix and mix.

Friday, October 06, 2006 

I approved this message...

Last night was a great rehearsal - working on some songs that aren't quite as familiar to us as the others for the new album. Great fun, in the spirit of the "old days". "She's Waiting" is a song I wrote for Randy. It has some elements of old 50's rock and roll (Teen Angel-esque?) with some very cool modern touches. Jim & Preston really tear up the bridge... I get to play some ornamental lead and Randy carries the song, which is great. I play a lot of high 12-string work and it compliments nicely what's going on - particularly the "Getting Better" chord. You'll know it when you hear it.
"I Don't Need Anything" is our 2006 Bee Gees remix. I can't wait to get this down in the studio - should be a LOT of fun.
"Pretty Soon Now" is a very personal song that has a bitter sweet message. We're looking at a pretty ambitious arrangement, perhaps some strings added on too. It might close out the album.
Finally, we worked on a brand new song called "Everybody Knows" - it has a bouncy acoustic riff and really pumps along. No way it will be done for the album... but still fun to work on some new material.

This message is paid for by the Party to re-elect Screaming Mimes.