This is Pat.

Every once in a while something so totally cool happens that my brain just implodes for a while. Yesterday around 11 my phone at work rings...
"This is Dave."
(Growly voice, cigarettes & Jersey accent)
"This is Pat."
"Pat Dinizio."
Wow. Just calling me up, no big whoop. I had contacted him earlier regarding the show we're playing with The Smithereens in a few weeks... and now I was stuttering & struggling to put together a cohesive sentence. In the span of the conversation we discussed their new album (awesome, by the way - pick it up now!), baseball history (no crazies in the game anymore)... just casual cool chit chat you'd have with someone you meet in a bar or in line to a concert. It ends with "look me up after the show" - holy sheet. Yessir, Mr. Dinizio... I'll track you down.
Okay, enough jibber jabber. I'm going to listen to "Blue Period" and try and calm my innner fan-boy down to normal operating levels...